Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
Berkshire Agricultural Ventures acknowledges that we live and work on the unceded land of the Mohican, Munsee Lenape, and other Indigenous peoples. We recognize that the United States was built on stolen land and that all systems in this country are built on the stolen labor of Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, and other people of color.
We recognize that agriculture itself is rooted in the long-standing cultural practices of these peoples. Further, we acknowledge that achieving a more resilient food system depends on equity and inclusion for all groups who have been, and still are, marginalized. Under this umbrella, we include Black, Indigenous, and people of color; women; immigrants; people with disabilities; and LGBTQIA+ communities. In our work at BAV, we vow to honor the native stewards of this land and those who involuntarily took care of it for so long.
Equity is a core value at Berkshire Agricultural Ventures. We know that food justice is racial justice, and local food is still not accessible to all. Our hope is to increase food access and land stewardship for more communities in our service area through our work. We acknowledge that much of what we have to do is learn. As a staff, we commit to learning more about food justice, and we invite you to do the same.
Below are initiatives the BAV Staff and Board are taking to put these ideals into action:
Formation of a DEIB Committee, comprised of staff, Board and community members who meet bi-weekly to review, discuss and hold the organization accountable to the values above.
Participation by all staff in Soul Fire Farm’s Uprooting Racism in the Food System training. Staff will continue to participate in racial food justice trainings in order to increase our awareness and responsiveness in our work.
100% Board participation in Soul Fire Farm’s and or relevant anti-racism training in the food system is expected of all Board members.
Embedding DEIB in future decisions, including Board development and strategic planning.
Revision of grant process to clarify criteria and have broader call for proposals.
The DEIB Committee reviews this list quarterly to amend and update appropriately. Staff and Board members reviews this list annually to ensure accountability.
This statement is intended as a guide to action. If you feel our actions have not lived up to these ideals, or you have suggestions about how we can improve, please hold us accountable by discussing it with any of our staff. You can reach out to Ciana at ciana@berkshireagventures.org.
BAV’s services are open to all those that occupy the Berkshire-Taconic region regardless of race, ethnic background, gender identity, or sexual identity. We welcome and encourage all who need our services to apply. Learn more about BAV’s Initiatives and how they might help you grow. BAV is an equal opportunity service provider and employer.